Pug harness under $60 | 5 best escape proof Harness | TravelingPetSafety
5 Best pug harness | escape proof Harness under $60 | TravelingPetSafety
Anyone who has ever met or owned a pug knows that these endearing feisty clowns of the dog world have certain requirements. When being fit for a harness pugs have unique physical characteristics that can make finding the perfect pug harness a challenge. Have no fear “Pet-vengers” is here!! Sorry, I recently watched a superhero movie and totally had a flashback. Our team at Travelingpetsafety.com found the five best no escape dog harnesses for your pug that are virtually impossible to escape.
Have no fear “Pet-vengers” to the rescue!! Click To Tweet
Top 5 Escape proof Dog harnesses:
- RUFFWEAR – Web Master Dog Harness
- Gooby Escape Free Sport Dog Harness
- SCENEREAL Escape Proof Large Dog Harness
- Harness Lead Dog Harness
- EXPAWLORER No-Pull Dog Harness
Definition of a dog harness
A dog harness is described as a piece of equipment that consists of straps that loop around and fasten together using snap buckles around the chest area of your pet. They are most often used to simply restrain a pet during walks and car rides.
The best harness for pug has a metal or plastic ring suitable for a leash to clip to. Many escape-proof dog harnesses are size-adjustable, the straps are usually made with nylon material, and the buckles are usually made of plastic.
There are many different designs, the two most common styles are the straps in the form of an X, and the other is in the form of a sideways H.
Why is no escape dog harnesses ideal for escaping pugs?
I bet you’re wondering, why in the world would you need a no escape dog harness for such a small creature like the pug. Let’s face it, pugs are masters of the ‘disappearing act’! Pug are smart, quick, and squirmy dogs by nature and can back-out or escape just about any dog harness.
For escape artist dogs, TravelingPetSafety.com recommend using a secure harness that has an added abdomen strap to avoid their backouts technique. Most pooch harnesses on the market have one individual band behind the front legs, which make it an easy escape for a pug.
What about a dog that chews through there escape-resistant dog harness?
Dogs with excess energy due to lack of exercise
often show signs of stress in destructive behavior. Click To Tweet
Dogs with excess energy due to lack of exercise often show signs of stress in destructive behavior. Your dog requires actual exercise! Like long walks, jog and active play sessions. Opening the back door and letting them out doesn’t cut it. If your dog continues to chew pet harness, then you should:
- Avoid loose-fitting dog harness- loose dog harness increases your pets opportunity to escape as well allow your dog to manipulate the harness and chew the straps.
- Try to avoid leaving your dog unattended while pet harness is on.
- Another option is to look into chew proof dog harness for repeat offenders.
No escape Harnesses like the Ruffwear Web Master harness have a double padded band underneath the dog, making it an exceptional escape-proof dog harness. The padded bands are adjustable and allow a secure homely fitting. In our experience, the Web Master harness is the best dog harness to stop escape in its track.
What if my pug has a respiratory condition, can I still use a pug harness for my pet?
Pugs are a brachycephalic breed, which describes their short heads and muzzles, giving their faces have a pushed in appearance. This can compress their nasal passages and negatively affect their breathing. Those attributes are the reason why your little ball of joy may sound like a grown man in the snoring when breathing.
Dogs with similar nasal passages as the pug can also have a narrow windpipe, or trachea, which can put them at higher risk of a collapsed trachea. Their bug-eyed appearance is a result of shallow eye sockets. Using a harness instead of a dog collars keep pressure off their necks, which decreased pressure on their trachea and eyes.
A K9 harness maximize comfortable and safe for your pug! The best pug harness will evenly distribute weight across their chest, shoulders, and back. A pug harness will avoid putting any pressure on their necks. Pugs are little powerhouses, so the harness
must fit properly to accommodate their larger heads and prevent them from escaping. To learn more about Brachycephalic dog breeds and what causes their breathing problems click here
How do I get my pug used to wearing a harness?
Most dogs do not mind wearing harnesses. If your dog needs a little encouragement, we recommend taking time to help your dog adjust to wearing a pet harness before using it on a regular basis.
Let your pet to investigate the dog harness. Be sure to reward your pug with a treat, affection, or a toy each time your pet makes contact with the escape-proof harness. Rewarding your dog associates the harness with a positive experience. Allow your dog to become comfortable at its own pace. TravelingPetSafety.com advise against forcing your canine to move too fast. Doing so will only make your pet hesitate and shun the harness altogether.
Once your pug is wearing the harness, let your furry friend run around with it on for 10 minutes inside the house. Doing this will give your pet a chance to formularize with their new gear. Take off the harness then repeat the process over again. Each time you do this, keep the K9 harness on for a little longer, and don’t forget to reward your bundle of joy!
My pug adjusted to the harness
If your pug becomes excited when you put the harness on, that means your pet already associate the harness with going on an adventure, which is a great sign! Give yourself a double pat on the back, you deserve it. In that case, you should have your pet wear the harness for 30 minutes before you go out the door.
When you return from your adventure, leave it on for another 30 minutes before removing it. This teaches your dog to remain calm when wearing the harness.
How long should I leave the pug harness on my dog?
Older dogs can wear their pug harness during the day. A properly fitting harness will not cause any discomfort or chaffing.
We recommend removing the harness at night or when not needed. This will minimize the opportunities for chewing on the harness.
Length of time a puppy should wear a dog harness 
If your pug is a puppy, we advise avoid leaving your pet in a harness for more than 30 mins. We don’t recommend leaving the k9 harness on your puppy when you are not with him.
At TravelingPetSafety.com we always advise removing leashes, collars, and harnesses when your puppy is home. This is both more comfortable for your pet and a safer way to leave them unattended. There’s always a chance your pet could be caught in something while jumping or running around at home. Remember the rule of thumb, practicing safety minimize vet visits!
Top uses for a pug harness
An advantage to using a dog harness is that if your harness has a handle on the back, you will be able to assist your pup to navigate obstacles, such as stairs or getting into a vehicle. You will also be able to just click his leash and go for potty breaks.
Using the Best dog harness for pugs with dog seatbelts
Remember, safety should always be a priority
when traveling with your pet! Click To Tweet
Remember, safety should always be a priority when traveling with your pet! Travelingpetsafety.com recommend always using a pug seatbelt with your pets no escape dog harness while in a moving vehicle.
Using these items together prevents your pug from running around the vehicle. Restricting your pug will keep you and your pet safe in the event of an accident. You should always… I mean ALWAYS attach the pug seatbelt to a dog harness, and not to your pet collar. Amazon has a deal that offers two dog seatbelts for the price of one. If you travel with two dogs or your single dog travels in two separate cars, then you can’t pass this deal up. You can check out Vastar dog seatbelt on Amazon.
Does my dog need to wear a collar and a harness?
Your dog should wear a collar with an updated ID tag at all times. The only exception is when your pet is in a metal dog crate unsupervised, as collars may get snagged on the crate, creating a potential risk to your dog’s safety.
Our team recommends using an escape dog proof collar and an escape-proof dog harness on your pug during outings. This is because the collar can act as an emergency backup in the event that the harness malfunction.
Key features you want to look for in a K9 harness
Sought out long-term dog harness.
It is important to evaluate how well the harness will mold around your dog and adjust with the movement of your pet.
After you put the harness on your pooch, make some modifications to increase comfort. Be sure to pay attention to your canines reaction and movements as you go on walks. Research the materials used to make the harness. If the material appears to be poor quality, there is a good chance the dog harness will start to deteriorate sooner rather than later.
Padding in K9 harness matter.
Short fur dog breeds like pugs benefit from harness padding. The padding protects against rubbing and skin irritation. If your pet is uncomfortable, they will avoid walks and may even whimper.
Reflect against darkness
I often take my fearless pooch on long walks during the early mornings and evenings when it’s dark out. For me it was important to have a reflector on my dogs’ harness, that was one feature I was not willing to look over.
If you walk your pet early in the morning or later in the evening as I do, a pet harness with reflectors is a feature you can’t afford to skip. Believe me, it’s worth the extra cost to ensure you and your pet’s visibility and safety during walks in the dark.
Two clips are better than one
In most cases, more options are better than one. You want to find dog harnesses that feature two clips instead of just one.
Front-clip harnesses provide more control over your pooch behavior, but this isn’t always the case with bigger or aggressive dogs. One issue that you may face is constant tangling underneath pets front legs.
Attaching the leash to back-clip harnesses is usually more comfortable, simple to attach, and protect your pug’s neck. Since the leash is attached to the back-clip and not the front, your control over his movement will be limited.
How should you measure a dog for a harness?
Every manufacturer has its own directions for measuring for their harness styles, as every harness is made differently. Despite these differences, most require a neck and a chest girth measurement. The use of a flexible measuring tape will ensure an accurate measurement. Measure at least two times for the most accurate result.
- First measure around your dog’s neck
- Then measure your dog’s chest, just behind their front legs.
How tight should a canine harness be on my pet?
If your pug is on the edge of the next sized harness, it is best to choose the larger size. You can adjust the harness fittings on the larger size to fit your dog, but you cannot increase the size of the smaller harness.
Similar to a collar, you can place two fingers side by side between the harness and your dog to gauge proper fit. It should be quite snug. If you cannot fit two fingers in between, the harness is too tight. If it is too loose, your dog may be able to squeeze his legs through and escape the harness.
Sign the harness maybe too tight
Signs that your harness may be too snug include redness and chaffing of your dog’s skin and patchiness of the fur where the harness may be rubbing against the body. If your dog appears ‘stubborn’ and refuses to walk while wearing the harness, it may be that the harness is too tight and restricting its range of movement.
It is normal for it to take a few tries before getting the right adjustments on the harness straps. It is also normal for these straps to loosen over time, or even for your pet to change weight. You should check routinely whether your harness is due for a slight adjustment.
Do I need a no escape dog harness?
Luckily for you, pugs are stocky dogs with big heads on their shoulders- literally. This means that unlike dogs with petite heads and a streamlined build, such as greyhounds, the pug is less likely to be able to wiggle out of a harness.
You will still want to select a sturdy, high quality, escape-proof pug harness if your dog is nervous or tries to pull, twist, and back out of his harness in an attempt to escape.
The best dog harness for pugs will be made with strong, durable materials. Some features to look for are multiple places on the harness to clip your leash. Many harnesses have both a front and a back attachments site.
Check out the three bonus facts in this nifty infographic below!
TravelingPetSafety.com top 5 picks
Our team did the work for you so you don’t have to. In selecting the perfect pug harness, we analyzed the quality of the materials including stitching, thickness and durability, comfort, adjustability, attachment points for the leash, and more.
Here are our favorite choices for dog harness that are impossible to escape.
(From this point on all links below will lead to Amazon)
Why you will want it:
This harness is a hiking dream. While you may not be climbing the Rockies with your stout little companion, this tough harness lets you take your pug anywhere with the security of mind that you “4-legged pal” won’t escape. It has seven points of adjustment so you can get the perfect fit.
- There is one adjustment strap on the left and right sides of the neck area.
- On the left and right sides behind the front legs, you will find more adjustment straps.
- There’ is also an adjustment strap located on the left and right side of the lower rib/stomach area.
- A final adjustment strap located underneath the chest plate area.
But wait, there’s more
The RUFFWEAR Web Master has a lot of bells and whistles to go with it, most of which are surprisingly useful. The first thing you notice is that it has no shortage of padding for your dog’s comfort. This harness has reflective trim and a light loop if you want to attach a light for even better visibility of your companion, or it can act as a second point of attachment.
It has a lift and assists padded handle that helps you to lift your little turbo dog whenever you need to. This harness is tough enough to last your pug into his senior years.
To measure your dog, you only need to measure around the widest part of the chest, or girth. This harness comes in four sizes. For this harness, if your dog is between sizes, you will want to go with the smaller size. The RUFFWEAR harness comes in currant red, twilight gray and blue dusk.
Don’t forget to check out the RUFFWEAR Core Cooler on Amazon if you need to cool your pug off during his jaunts. This add-on attaches to the Webmaster for even more options.
The RUFFWEAR Web Master is rated at 4.5 stars and has over 1,100 reviews on Amazon. Our team at Travelingpetsafety.com have personally used this harness for many years with our dogs and highly recommend it.
Why it might not be right for you:
Some reviewers have commented that the sizes offered in the RUFFWEAR Web Master did not fit their very large or very small dogs. A few commented that their dogs were able to chew through the harness, or that the leash attachment ripped, particularly with very large, strong dogs.
The lift and assist feature are only useful for lifting the front of your dog, particularly in larger breeds.
Why you will want it:
The Gooby Escape Free Sport Harness is a lightweight, step in harness. Step-in harnesses can be more comfortable for some dogs since nothing has to fit over their heads. This neoprene harness has 4 points of adjustment and a neoprene body to keep it lightweight.
- The neoprene material contour to your dog’s body after your pet wears it a couple times.
- This dog harness is made of Neoprene material that acts as an insulation to help keep your dog warm in cold weathers.
- Neoprene is water resistant to maximize comfort against uncomfortable moistures.
The Gooby Escape Sport excels at escape free functionality because it actually tightens if your pug tries to back out it. In order to keep the weight low for your pup’s comfort, this harness has a strong plastic D-ring for leash attachment.
The Gooby Escape Sport has a V-shaped chest designed to keep pressure away from any sensitive dog necks.
This harness is available in 3 sizes, and you will want to ensure that there is no space between the harness and your dog when tightening adjustment. The Gooby Escape Sport harness comes in six vibrant colors: red, black, blue, lime, pink and turquoise.
The Gooby Escape Sport is rated at 4.2 stars and has over 100 customer reviews on Amazon.
Why it might not be right for you:
The cons were primarily related to sizing. Several reviewers commented that the Gooby Escape Sport did not fit their dogs and ran small according to their measurements. One customer said although it did not fit her larger breed dog, it was a perfect fit for her pug. A few reviewers said their “Houdini” dogs were able to escape this harness because it did not fit.
Why you will want it:
The SCENEREAL Dog Harness is designed to be very comfortable for your dog. It has padding on the stomach area to prevent friction. It has two points of attachment for your leash, similar to the RUFFWEAR harness. One of the attachment points is a strong metal D-ring and the second is a nylon loop near the rear of the harness.
The SCENEREAL harness has a lift and assist padded handle that helps to assist or load your dog into a vehicle, over obstacles, or up and down stairs, or for better control. SCENEREAL dog Harness has reflective trim for night visibility. It comes in three sizes and is available in black or orange.
- Small size is suitable for dogs with chest measurements of 22 – 31 inches.
- Medium size is suitable for dogs with a chest measurement of 26 – 36 inches.
- Large size is suitable for dogs with a chest measurement 0f 31 – 45 inches.
If your pug suffers from overheating, then this harness is for you! The breathable mesh on the inside of the harness will help keep your pet cool and comfortable.
Many customers rave that this harness truly is escape proof. The SCENEREAL Harness is rated at 3.9 stars on Amazon and is very affordable.
Why it might not be right for you:
A couple of reviewers commented that the SCENEREAL harness was not durable enough for their dogs, or chew proof. Another verified reviewer stated that they measured their dog for a medium but chest strap did not fit their measurements.
Why you will want it:
The Harness Lead sets itself apart as a different kind of dog harness. Similar to the style of harness often used in obedience or behavior training classes, this harness is a compact, lead, and harness-in-one.
This American-Made Harness Lead is ideal for anyone who is willing to use a combination of training and a light touch to train your pug to walk politely.
The Harness Lead Dog Harness works by tightening around your dog’s torso when it pulls and releasing pressure when your pet stops pulling. A black rubber stop is used to adjust the tightness of the harness.
This harness is available in 2 sizes: S/M and M/L. The Harness Lead Dog Harness is available in seven colors: red, black, blue, lotus, peacock, and reflective orange. One of the leaders in the pet safety industry the Harness Dog Lead Harness has a 4.5-star rating and over 800 reviews on Amazon.com.
Why it might not be right for you:
One shortcoming of The Harness Lead Dog Lead isn’t designed with an attachment for dog seatbelts. Which means you cannot use it to keep your dog safe in a moving vehicle. We recommend this harness to those who want to train their dog’s during walks. It is not a solution for dogs who are constant pullers.
Make sure that you are careful to properly position the harness on your pug. If the stopper is tightened too much, the lead can come in contact with the dog’s neck. If the lead makes contact with your dog’s neck and continues to tighten it can cause serious injuries.
Why you will want it:
The EXPAWLORER No-pull harness is hugely popular for a reason. This harness is extremely affordable and receives a 4-star rating by over 700 reviewers on Amazon.
The EXPAWLORER is lined with mesh and is padded to keep your pug comfortable. It is reflective so that no one can miss your dog coming or going at night. This lightweight dog harness has both a front aluminum chest leash attachment and webbing attachment on the back. The webbing can attach to a leash or canine seatbelt.
You can find the EXPAWLORER harness available in five sizes, and it comes in five bright colors: green, grey, orange, pink and red. It has four points of adjustment.
This K9 harness has a lot of satisfied customers that own brachycephalic breeds such as pugs and Boston Terriers. Many reviewers were very happy that this harness stopped their dog from pulling when they clipped the leash to the chest attachment.
The EXPAWLORER Company also sells double leads for getting the most benefit out of the front and back leash attachments
Why it might not be right for you:
Some reviewers have commented that the straps tend to loosen with use and need to be readjusted. However, at this price,
In reality, harnesses are generally not chew proof. They aren’t designed to be chew toys, so if you have a determined chewer, it is important to supervise your dog while the harness is on your pet.
If you are using a harness to transport your canine in a vehicle, give your dog something to distract it on the ride. For example, a Kong Treat dispenser filled with frozen soft dog food, treats or peanut butter, can occupy your pet and keep it from trying to escape or use its harness as a chew toy. Go to Amazon for Kong Treat Dispenser.
I am sure by now you’ve noticed, there’s a long list of things to think about when selecting an escape-proof harness for your dog. The key is to prioritize the features that are important to you and accommodate your dog needs. Once you’ve shortened your list, it’s time to factor in things like price, reviews, and other minor factors to make your final decision.
For myself, I made the decision night reflectors and double attachment clips as “must have” features in a harness. I use The RUFFWEAR Web Master no escape dog harness for my pooch. It has the two main features plus extra bell and whistles. Like the padded handle and let’s not forget it’s easy to put on. What more could you ask for in a no-escape dog harness? Hmm… maybe a million dollars!
Our list of K9 harnesses was carefully selected with pugs in mind, but the general rules apply for most dogs.
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P.S. don’t forget to check out my newest article Clear tick infested dog in 10 minutes.
This article contains links that lead to Amazon.com. All products have 2-day delivery with Amazon Prime.
- Vastar dog seatbelt
- RUFFWEAR Core Cooler
- RUFFWEAR – Web Master Dog Harness
- Gooby Escape Free Sport Dog Harness
- SCENEREAL Escape Proof Large Dog Harness
- Harness Lead Dog Harness
- EXPAWLORER No-Pull Dog Harness
- Kong Treat dispenser
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