Should pets be restrained when traveling?

If you care about your pet at all, the answer is YES!! A pet that is unsecured pose devastating dangers to you and your furry friend.

Keep your pet in place

A properly restrained dog is less likely to become airborne, decreasing the risk of serious injury to the dog, the driver and other passengers, or other vehicles

Limit Distraction

Properly restrained dogs cannot move around inside the vehicle and will therefore reduce distraction to the driver.

Reduce pet anxiety

Some dogs will feel less anxiety if they feel more secure in the car and that not to say you're a horrible driver. Travel crates, carriers, and travel harnesses are all great ways to help your dog feel more secure during travel.

Meet our team! team is the heartbeat and paulse of the site. Without these vital individuals this site wouldn't be as successful as it is today.


CEO, CONTENT WRITER, LEAD web DEVELOPER, Lead content researcher

Founder and Developer of Wil assembled a team (Pet-Vengers) of dedicated pet loving professionals to create high quality and helpful content for visitors. The goal is to that awareness of dangers from unsecured pets and help solve problems pet owners face daily. When Wil isn't working on he is working on a duet album with his lead vocalist Sage "the howling pup"! There has to be a market for that... right?!




This floppy eared beauty is Sage. She is a 7 month rescue Rhodesian Ridgeback. She loves fetch, outdoor adventures and socks! As ambassador of she is required to tag along on road trips. Sage understands in order to tag along with "Daddy-o" on adventure pet safety is important and wears her dog seat belt while traveling. Whenever Sage isn't jumping all over me while I'm working, she practice her howling for her debut album "Holiday Howl" Featuring the "Pet-Vengers"!

Hi Guys!

Welcome to!

I’m Wil, your travel pet safety guide. Like you, I am a proud animal lover who recently added a new four-legged fur baby to my family. I am also the nerd behind!

Before I get into the details of who I am and what this website is about, I would like to thank you for reading our contents and stopping by to learn more about us. You, Yes You! Pet lovers like you are the reason why we are always eager to get to work. This is because we know that you are always on the lookout for the best traveling and safety tips for your pet.


Who is Wil?


Wil creator of travelingpetsafety.comWil here! I am the creator and owner of A pet blog website dedicated to active dogs and their owners. I am an outgoing guy with a great sense of humor. My corny sense of humor will be throughout my articles and will be hard to miss.

My background

I am of Haitian descent Ayisyen, SAK PASE!! Sorry, but I couldn’t resist… I had to send a shout out to my Haitian out there. Now that I got that out of my system let’s get back to business. I was born in Brooklyn New York but now currently, reside in Saint Louis Missouri. Like most pet owners, I balance working a 9 to 5 job and caring for a pet. I understand the struggles of someone who is constantly on the go and takes their fur babies with them.

No worries, I’ve mastered my craft! I am fully invested and committed to building’s community. The readers come first and plan to bring you guys the best in quality information that will help you and your pets.

Things that I like

I enjoy jogging and hiking especially during warm summer weather. I am a huge sports fan and my favorite sports teams are the New York Giants, Saint Louis Cardinals, and the New York Knicks. Yeah, yeah… I know, typical New Yorker. Hey, I support my current city team as well… Not all bad, right?

Aside from staying active and being a sports fan… I absolutely love to travel a lot (who doesn’t, right?) I travel 4 or 5 times a year within the United States and I usually take my lovely pooch Sage along with me. We travel mostly by car but we occasionally also get a plane ticket when we are going on long-distance journeys.

Sage isn’t my first pet. I’ve had dogs my entire life. Seriously, the longest I’ve ever gone without a dog was a month. Life is incomplete without a trusty sidekick.

Prior to the recent addition of my Rhodesian Ridgeback Sage, I have had 2 other dogs. A Ridgeback named Roxy, who I owned for 16 years and a Red Nose Pitbull named Gotti that I had for 12 years. Both have now moved on to a better place but still are close to my heart.

Now that you have learned a little about the brain behind, Let’s talk about my sidekick and partner in crime Sage.


Who is Sage?

my dog sage posing for a photo

Sage is my lovely 8 months old female Rhodesian Ridgeback. When you read my articles, you will become very familiar with My Rhody. You will come across the name Sage often, especially when making references and when talking about our experiences.

My Ridgeback back story

I rescued Sage from a dog shelter on the 10th of April 2019 and since I have enjoyed every moment we spend together.

Sage previous owner was an elderly woman who could no longer care for an active Pup like Sage. Her prior owner decided to give sage up after suffering a broken hip from slipping on ice. She realized she was unable to keep up with Sage after coming back from her hip surgery.

I visited the APA for weeks before Sage… The other dogs that I visited were either too timid or very vocal. There is nothing wrong with either type of dogs, they just wouldn’t be suitable for my type of lifestyle right now.

The moment I saw those large floppy ears on Sage, I knew immediately that I wouldn’t regret the decision to take her home.

There is a lot to love about Sage; she is affectionate, playful and overly excited especially whenever I am around her. Another thing that attracted me to her, is how she can be stubborn at times. A bit like me! It is almost as if she’s saying “Hey, daddy-o we’re a lot like you, so you can’t get upset then sticks her tongue at me.”. Give me a break, that’s how I imagine it.

Sage is highly intelligent and a fast learner. She understands the commands lie down, sit, and stay. Another cool trick, Sage knows the difference between her right and left paw and switch between the two when she is asked to and easily catches treats thrown at her.

She loves the water a lot and isn’t shy about jumping in a pool of water… whether it’s ours or not. She also loves to play fetch, cuddling, belly rubs, going on a car ride and playing tug of war.


How was created.

Shortly after Sage fell out of a moving vehicle that she was strapped in with a dog seatbelt. Wil grew frustrated with the lack of pet safety information about pets traveling in moving vehicles. After months of continuous research, in which I search the net for information and products that work. Wil launched with the mission of making pet travel easier.

In February 22 of 2018, I asked myself, “How can I protect my dog better? How can I truly and noticeably make an impact for fellow dog owners”? The answer… Passion, motivation, love for dogs and my biggest weapon the words that I type.

I am determined to make the number one resource for pet care and safety which is why I partnered with Sage to ensure that all the information we provide will be of importance to pet owners and their four-legged furry companion. is dedicated to all pets and their owners. Especially those who are active, always on the go, work 9 to 5 and enjoy having their dogs with them every step of the way.

The Deciding Factor

Sage after surgery to repair her broken leg

Like I mentioned earlier, we decided to launch because of the lack of relevant information available for pets and their owners. But it will be important to mention that it wasn’t until Sage broke her leg a few months back that I was fully determined to create this website. On that fateful day, the seatbelt I attached on her unlatched causing her to fall out of the rear window. I was scared as I hurried outside to find her in pains and unable to stand on her paws.

Luckily for us both, the accident wasn’t worse and she was able to recover after a few months of treatment by an experienced vet. This was seriously the straw that broke the camel’s back. Ever since then, Sage and I teamed up as a duo of “pet-vengers” and our superpower is the ability to provide quality information to help pets and their owners.

How important is Pet Safety

Pet safety is extremely important when traveling with your dog in a moving vehicle. Let me ask you, what would you think if you saw someone driving with a 5-year-old in the front seat without a seatbelt? You would think they are irresponsible wouldn’t you, you may report them to the authorities. Well, that’s basically the same idea of travel pet safety and should feel the same when you see someone with an unrestrained dog in a moving vehicle.

Simple rules to pet safety

Never allow your pet to ride in the front passenger seat (especially one that is airbag-equipped). Don’t let your pet out of the car without proper restraint. Don’t allow your pet to ride with their head out the window; they could get hurt by flying debris. You should never leave your pet alone in a parked car. Those simple can be the diffence bet

How is Different from Other Websites

It is simple, the information we provide is easy to understand, entertaining, and relatable. They are all based on extensive research and consultations with experts, and also from experiences with my dog Sage.


What is the Goal of the Site?

Paw ribbon traveling pet safety


Our key goal at is to pass along valuable information that is easy to understand. Everything we blog about from articles to product reviews are all intended to appeal to the average dog owner. I would like to make it clear here that I am not a dog expert and don’t have 15 or 20 years of experience living with dogs. But one thing that I bring to the table at is that just like our audience; we are passionate about dogs and love to share our experiences with our website readers.


Travel Dog safety handshake

Do we Accept Guest Posts at


Yes, we do. But we do have strict requirements before we can accept guest posts on our website. The site has to have a good reputation and must fall within the pet niche. You should also be aware that we are not ready to risk the integrity of which is why we are very thorough when reviewing posts to accept on our website.


Are we Open to Sponsorship from Private Businesses?


Yes, we accept sponsorship from private businesses and entities. But before we can consider a sponsor, they have to possess a strong reputation and be of mutual benefit to our brand and audience. This means that their products and services have to be beneficial to pets and their owners.


Are we opposed to Product Reviews? What are the Requirements to Accept Product Reviews?


We are not opposed to product reviews at As a matter of fact, we welcome them. But we are very strict with product reviews. We place our readers in high esteem and are not ready to compromise on the integrity of our website. Therefore, you should expect that we will not accept gifts or money to review a product. We give honest reviews about a product only after using the product.


How do we Earn Money?


Just like most websites, we earn money through affiliate programs and adverts that we place on our website. We are affiliates to reputable pet brands whose ideology are in line with what we stand for at Our readers can expect to see ads on our pages both in text form and images. Bear with us, as we understand that these ads can affect your reading experience. But we are positive that you will benefit from using any of the products or services we suggest.


How can you reach us at


You can easily reach us for Sponsorship, Product Reviews, and Guest Posts by sending us a mail at [email protected]

Our website readers can also reach us by simply filling out the contact form in the contact us section of our website.

Let’s build together!

Today, is the start where dog lovers come together to build and get the latest expert advice about pet travel, dog behavior, pet safety, dog health, dog news, and dog entertainment. Subscribe to Contact us here. Or, check out online community on Pinterest.

We want to once again thank you for taking out time to read our about my family and want I want to accomplish with this site. Believe me, I understand that you guys are busy and appreciate every moment you spend on this website.

I encourage pet owners to check the latest pet news and tips on our Blog and also subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to learn about our latest news and offers as soon as they are available.

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